
Posts Tagged ‘vancouver aquarium’

Vancouver Aquarium

While we were in Vancouver over the September long weekend we decided to take Lincoln to the Vancouver aquarium. This decision was based on two factors:

1. The Vancouver Zoo was too far away for the long-weekend traffic.

2. Julia was able to get us in for free – score!

The aquarium is located in Stanley Park. This means finding a parking spot is a challenge; however, thanks to a good Samaritan (and family man) we found a spot close to the entrance. This guy saw us looking for a spot, asked if we wanted his because they were leaving and then proceeded to direct other vehicles away from the spot because it was taken. To top it all off he even gave us his parking pass that was valid for the rest of the day. It is these interactions that make the world a better place – thank you total stranger for your kindness!

On the way in, we gratefully by-passed the 20-minute line-up and made our way into the Aquarium.

The first stop was the touch tank. I think Andrew and Joel had more fun than Lincoln.

Lincoln couldn’t quite reach the sea creatures but he liked watching the water come rushing in every few minutes. This is how they filter out the germs and food particles that end up in the tank.

Lincoln did manage to scoop up some water and drink it. I could tell by the way he looked at me that he knew he shouldn’t be drinking the water, but he did anyway.

We then went to visit the beluga whales.

Look ma! Here he comes!

Baby Beluga in the deep blue sea aquarium.

We bought Lincoln his own stuffed beluga on the way out (clever aquarium, they make everyone exit through the gift shop).

We went inside and Lincoln watched the fish swim around, and around, and around. I was telling Lincoln about the “little fish” when a smart little girl politely informed me that the “little fish” were in fact salmon at different stages of their life cycle. I see a job at the Aquarium in her future.

Perhaps the thing Lincoln enjoyed the most though was climbing the concrete stairs.

The Aquarium isn’t all marine life. They have a Tropical Zone which can only be described as a large sauna packed full of people. The camera started to fog up so I only captured one picture of Lincoln and a parrot. I didn’t last long in this zone and was happy to get back to the cool air.

Thanks again Auntie Julia (and total stranger in the SUV)!

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